Tuesday, May 29, 2012

30 Day Harry Potter Blog Challenge: Day 6

Day 6: Favorite Professor

This is such an easy one! My favorite professor is definitely McGonagall. She is so awesome! I love her because even though she is really strict on Harry and Ron, she's also a rule breaker herself. She has a soft spot for Harry because of his past, and she probably lets that cloud her judgement. 

The main reason I love her is because of how she is portrayed in the movies. Maggie Smith is AMAZING. The way she plays McGonagall is just fabulous. She comes across as severe, but also fun- especially in the first movie when she wants Harry to be the new seeker and in the last movie when she uses the spell to awaken the suits of armor. 

I also think her class would be really fun to take. She's an amazing witch- I mean, come on, she's one of the few animagi in the whole wizarding world, so that's saying something. Plus, her class is all about turning one thing into something else! How fun is that? 

Monday, April 23, 2012

Harry Potter 30 Day Blog Challenge Day 5

Day 5: Saddest Moment

No contest. No way that anything breaks my little heart like Fred's death in book 7. 

I was reading this book very very late at night in my bedroom. I was laying on my bed (probably upside down, I somehow always do that?) and obviously I was very into what was going on in the story. I had finished the 6th book a day or two prior to this, so I had already had my heart broken by Dumbledore's sacrificing death. 

Now, I didn't believe that the good guys would come out of this fight unscathed. Going into those final chapters, I knew I was going to lose some of the characters I had come to love. I was mentally prepared for this. 

I was NOT NOT NOT prepared in ANY way to have the twins separated. As I said on another day, the twins were some of my favorite characters. They made me laugh all the time, and were the perfect set and never even seemed like they wanted to be known as separate people. The were always a pair, always the set, and always in sync. The perfect mirror images of each other. And it completely breaks my heart that George has to live the rest of his fictional life without his best friend and other half. 

What makes it worse is the fact that James and Oliver Phelps are phenomenal. The way they play off each other through all the movies is just adorable, and the way that Oliver (as George) reacted to Fred's death as if it was James' death just makes me cry! 

Yes, I am fully aware that I get way too attached to fictional characters. No, I am not ashamed. 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Harry Potter Blog Challenge Day 4

Day 4: Your Favorite Villain

This one is actually a difficult. So many of the villains were such powerful characters, and it's hard to say one that I like enough to label my "favorite."

I'm going back and forth between a couple different people: daddy Malfoy, little Malfoy, mommy Malfoy....but, I think I am going to land on Barty Crouch, Jr. 

I thought his whole story line was impeccable, and I was incredibly disappointed in the fourth movie for leaving it completely out and glossing over basically everything. His storyline was so detailed....his mother taking his place in jail, using Harry's stolen wand to conquer the Dark Mark, acting like he was Moody for an entire school year...everything! I'm rereading the fourth book right now and am pretty excited to get to this part again.

Plus, he is played by David Tennant, who is the 10th doctor in Doctor Who. He's fabulous and I love him.