Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I am so tired of homework!

- Available: no!
- Age: 20
- Annoyance: stupid drivers
- Animal: kitty

- Beer: looks and sounds nasty
- Birthday: may 23
- Best Friend: marie, caleb, sara, lynn and them.
- Blind or Deaf: neither? am i supposed to pick one or the other?
- Best weather: 80s!
- Been in Love: yes
- Believe in Magic?: in a young girl's heart? how the music can free her whenever it starts?
- Believe in Santa: if by Santa, you mean my mother who signs santa's name, then yes.

- Candy: skittles, m&ms
- Color: aqua
- Chocolate/vanilla: chocolate
- Chinese/Mexican Food: mexican
- Cake or pie: pie!
- Continent to visit: Europe
- Cheese: yes. i love cheddar jack!

- Day or Night: night
- Dancing in the rain: could be fun....or chilly.

- Eyes: blue/green
- Everyone has: a water buffalo, yours is fast but mine is slow, o where we get them i don't know but everybody has a water buffalooooooo!
- Ever failed a class: no. i do not fail things.

- First thoughts waking up: more sleep.
- Food: cheesecake! yumm.

- Greatest fear: failure.
- Goals: graduate, marry caleb.
- Gum: NONE
- Get along with your parents: yes.

- Hair Color: blonde
- Height: 5'3"
- Happy: sometimes....right now i am pretty content.
- Holiday: Christmas.
- How do you want to die: i don't even want to think about it

- Ice Cream: TCBY chocolate/vanilla and any mayfield ice cream!
- Instrument: guitar. or harp!

- Jewelry: rings. my emerald ring!
- Job: student...but i used to sell scrubs.

- Kids: maybe. i am a little afraid of the pain of childbirth. but i would like to have at least two.
- Kickboxing or karate: neither. they don't sound like fun.
- Keep a journal: sometimes.

- Love: great. and difficult.
- Laughed so hard you cried: a couple times

- Milk flavor: chocolate
- Movies: comedy!
- Motion sickness: sometimes.
- McD’s or BK: mcdonald's french fries. i like burger king's egg and cheese croissants

- Number: 21

- One wish: college to be over soooon.

- Pepsi/Coke: coke
- Perfect Pizza: three cheese, cheese and mushroom, taco w/o a few things.

- Quail: ok.

- Reality T.V.: awful!
- Radio Station: umm i listen to 107.7 and 94.7 at home- i haven't found a good one here, but now i have my XM radio and i listen to the 20s. and 75.
- Roll your tongue in a circle: no?
- Ring size: 4 3/4

- Song: mixed tape, jack's mannequin. and reo speedwagon- can't fight this feeling!
- Shoe size: 7 1/2
- Salad Dressing: ranch or honey mustard
- Sushi: salmon. but cooked! and a couple others but i don't know their names
- Strawberries/Blueberries: yummy! especially on marie's fruit pizza.

- Tattoos: No. no needles ever!
- Time for bed: i should go by 11, but i usually don't go to bed until around 1

- Unpredictable: not me.

- Vacation spot(s): bahamas! north carolina.

- Weakness: chocolate. people with british accents. new books.
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you? sara.
- Worst feeling: not knowing what to do about important things
- Worst Weather: freezing cold!

- X-Rays: a few for a wreck, a few more for kidney stones.

- Year it is now: 2009
- Yellow: not a good color for blondes, but i love to look at it! especially on daffodils

- Zoo animal: tiger. monkeys.


Marie Keefe said...

How do you have time for this!?!?!
Our ring size is the same!!!!

April Nicole Keefe said...

haha i took a break from my paper.

and i'm not surprised! we are like the same person.