Friday, October 23, 2009

Ode to Newspapers....

Why do I love newspapers so much?

They are old-fashioned. They get fresh ink on my hands, which in turn gets on my face/computer/clothing. They are practically outdated by the time by the time I get them. The story on the front page of the Red and Black? Known about it for over 24 hours. Old news.

Plus, they are a waste of trees. And ink.

So why do I feel like my day is not complete unless I have one?

Why do I feel obligated to pick one or two up, peruse them during my breaks (and sometimes during class)?

Why am I compelled to immediately find the crossword puzzle, sad that I hadn't been able to do for a week because of the busy-ness of life?

Why do I eat up up opinions page like the turkey sandwich I just had for lunch?

Because it is the NEWSPAPER.

It's important. And I love it.

I love flipping the pages. Having everything in my hands. Being able to write directly on it when I am doing the crossword puzzle, or just need to make a note of something.

I miss the Albany Herald's squawkbox. The comics. The editorials by people I know.

Newspapers make me feel close to home. My dad and I share them- I always try to take the sections I want and then he laughs because I've destroyed the way the paper came, all nice and neat.

Newspapers are a part of our history. Ben Franklin's almanac, Thomas Paine's Common Sense, and many many more. They have always been a pillar of society. Something that you can always count on, no matter what.

I know the internet has taken its place at the top of the news pyramid - at least for people my age. Don't get me wrong, I love the internet. I am on it constantly, checking emails, writing people from classes, wasting time, listening to Disney on Pandora, watching tv shows I've missed from that week.

But it is the newspaper. That just means something to me. And I won't be giving up on it anytime soon.

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