Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Yay for Home!

I am home- yaaaay! Work tomorrow from 9 to 6, then party for Abbey's birthday! hopefully i can stay awake after getting up early.......

A - All time favorite fruit: this one is difficult. i'll got with peaches.

B - Beauty secret: umm no makeup = smaller wrinkles. and i wash my face?

C - Church you attend: sherwood. athens church

D - Dumbest career move: moving! haha not really. i don't have a career. but possibly changing my major was a dumb move for my future career

E - Earrings: pretty, but forget them a lot.

F - Favorite color: turquoise

G - Guess: jeans.

H - Height: 5'2 3/4 :-(

I - Internet site you visit most: gmail, facebook, twitter...msn

J - Job title: scrub-seller extraordinaire

K - Kid(s): none.

L - Love of your life: caleb!

M - Middle name: nicole

N - Nicknames: keefe, keefer, cole, nikki....

O - Obsession: keeping my car pretty. and shoes.

P - Pet Peeve: gum chewing. people not turning off their blinkers. mosquitoes

Q - Quote: "it's a rule of life: the prettier the girl, the messier the car."

R - Rings, you wear every day: none. i wear my emerald ring and my class ring most often

S - Siblings: marie.

T - Time you wake up: noon! it is summer. i go to bed late.

U- Unusual fact: my jaw pops. loudly and painfully

V - Vegetable: zucchini

W - Ways to love me: spend time with me, listen to me, presents......

X - X-Boyfriends: are dumb. and i just prefer to forget about them

Y - Yummy food you make: sesame beef stir fry! it is sooooo yummy

Z - Zoo animal habit you'd love to emulate: oh goodness....maybe a tiger!

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