Friday, January 21, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 24

Day 24: Something You've Learned

I have thought a lot about this post, trying to think of something profound to write that shows how I've grown as a person in the past few months. I wanted to write about dreams, and how the things we want, REALLY want, in life aren't always what God wants. That our dreams are not necessarily something we need to go after right this second- that sometimes we need to wait on God for the perfect time to go after what we want. I had all types of examples that I was going to use- like how Ansley wants to be Mrs. Justin Timberlake and how Sara wants to be an ice skating Dallas Cowboy cheerleader.

Then I changed my mind. I started thinking, completely unrelated to this post, about romance. I'd been watching tv and the people on the show were making these wonderfully grand gestures to win the people they loved. I started thinking about other times in literature and movies when people do things like that. Men like Michael Hosea in Redeeming Love (and the real Hosea, of course), who saves you time and time again. Men like the characters in tv shows like Greek, where they give up grad school across the country because they can't stand to leave you. Men like Odysseus who try for 20 years to get back to their Penelope (don't think about the middle of the book). All these men who are devoted and risk the embarrassment to show how they truly feel. I was just thinking, "I want that. I want that kind of love."

And then I realized that I DO have that kind of love. I have a love that is even greater. I have the "I created you, sent my son to die for you, and am building you a home in heaven" kind of love.

There is nothing better than learning that you no one will EVER love you as much as your Heavenly Father.

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