Monday, February 16, 2009

Secret Life

I love the secret life of the American teenager. the girl is so cute and has such pretty hair and i love their clothes. HOWEVER, this particular episode is a little annoying to me.

Birth control is a major topic tonight. All about birth control and condoms and "you're on birth control? you're a Christian! are you still a Christian?"

First of all, you can't go from being a Christian to NOT being a Christian. It just doesn't work like that. Either you ARE or you are NOT. You cannot go back and forth. You might be one and slip up, turn away, never come back, but that doesn't mean you lose your salvation. Just because you sin, just because you are not perfect doesn't mean it is taken away from you. Ergo, just because you get birth control before you are married does NOT make you not a Christian anymore.

Second, just because you HAVE birth control doesn't mean you are actually using it FOR birth control. it drives me crazy. i have been on birth control since i was a sophomore or junior in high school. NOT because i am having crazy sex all the time. Not because i am having sex at all. BECAUSE i have horrible horrible cramps and need the hormone regulation to not be in constant agonizing pain.

Now, i may be overreacting. and i know this show is exhibiting a lot of stereotypes from Christians to jocks to sluts, but still. i feel like it gives a terrible name to people like me who take medicine for reasons other than to keep me from getting pregnant.


1 comment:

Lynn said...

True story. I completely agree, esp about the birth control. I'm on it for hormone regulation due to my depression. I'm usually pretty cautious about letting people find out that I'm on it, because a lot of people get the wrong idea, and it makes me angry. I hate all the stereotypes on the show, but I can't help but watch it. I'm kinda done with it though.. I think it's gotten too absurd :-/