Sunday, November 14, 2010

30 Day Challenge: Day 4

Day Four: Your Parents

Oh, my parents. I just love them. I feel like I am the exact mix between the two of them- I look like my mom, and act like my dad.

My daddy is awesome. He doesn't look like anyone else in our family. He was born in Hawaii because his father was a Marine. When I was little, I thought that meant he WAS Hawaiian, and I thought that was the perfect explanation of why he is so dark and my sister and I are so light colored.

My daddy loves sports. I think they are his number one favorite thing in the world (besides, of course, his lovely daughters). While I was growing up, he was a football referee, and basketball referee, and a baseball umpire. Over the years he stopped doing everything but football- until this year! This year is the first year he hasn't led his referee team in as a long as I can remember.

My daddy also loves to make people laugh. I know they say a girl marries someone like her father, so that may be why I love guys who can make me laugh (not that it is difficult). He is constantly cracking jokes and saying ridiculous things.

My daddy and I share three passions: basketball, tv shows, and old music. I don't remember a time when he and I didn't watch Duke basketball. We both love shows like 24 and smallville. And I definitely inherited my father's musical tastes, which is the reason why I have a record player in my bedroom!

Now onto my mom. She and I (and Marie) look so much alike, sometimes people can't tell the difference between our childhood pictures. She is the reason I am short and blonde. Depending on the day, I am definitely my mother's child.

My mother is a teacher, so she has been with me my whole life. We were at the same school from the time I was 5 until I graduated. I would visit her, eat lunch with her- I was even her aide my senior year haha! That was awesome.

My parents have been married for 28 years. They joke that they never really dated, they just got married, and that they never liked each other! If you listen to their stories about high school and college, you almost believe them. My mom moved to another state. They both dated other people. But they always ended up back together!

My parents are the reason why I am who I am. They always love me, always support me, and always take care of me. I can count on them for everything!

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