Monday, November 15, 2010

30 Day Challenge: Day 5

Day 5: Your Siblings

I have only one sibling, but she is the best!

My sister is my best friend. She and I are basically the same person now. However, when we were little, it was soooo different!

My sister is 3 and 1/2 years older than I am. This mean that when we were little, I was way too young for her to hang out with most of the time. We were grades apart in school and fought a lot. We did manage to take super cute pictures, though. We were pretty adorable.

One of my favorite stories about my sister is one that I don't actually remember, but my dad tells is alllll the time. If you recall from the post about my parents, my daddy was a basketball referee. At one of his games when she was probably 7 or 8, she left during halftime to go to the bathroom. When she came back into the gym, she walked RIGHT ACROSS the court. While the game was going on. My dad and the other referee (his friend!) just cracked up and stopped the game until she got off the court. Her explanation? "The cheerleaders were still in the bathroom and the game can't start without them."

Yes, that little girl grew up to be a cheerleader. Captain of her squad as a junior and a coach during her first or second year of college. She got thrown in the air a lot. She also got dropped quite a few times.

In college, she was a part of the theatre scene- something we shared when I went to the same college a few years later. She was in a bunch of musicals and plays, including two Shakespeare comedies/dramas.

She then moved on to broadcast news, something she is super awesome at and you should totally hire her.

Now, my sister and I are probably as close as anyone can be. We share shoes, clothes, sometimes even rooms! We've come a long way from the days when I pushed her off my aunt's step and sprained her wrist because she made me angry!

1 comment:

Marie Keefe said...

Ah- That was a sweet post. I love you.
I read dad the first line of the Basketball story and he guessed which one you were going to tell.