Friday, November 19, 2010

30 Day Challenge: Day 7

Day 7: Your Favorite Movies

I have a lot of movies that I love. Like with everything else, though, I have a list of my top movies. I've never really written it down, but I keep a running tab in my head. I have a pretty eclectic taste in most things, and movies are no different. There are some movies on this list that a lot of people I know have never seen or heard of before I mention them. So, with further ado, here are my top five movies!

Number 1: The American President

The American President is a superb movie. Michael Douglas is my favorite actor because of it. I may not agree with all the politics discussed throughout it, but it has some of the best acting and best lines ever. I get chills every time I watch him stand behind the podium and say "My name is Andrew Shepherd, and I AM the president." It also has a young Michael J. Fox, and he is adorable. His character is the best in the movie!

Number 2: The Newsies

Oh, how I love this movie. It is so awesome. Here is the basic plot summary: the newsies of New York go on strike because the newspaper people raised the prices of the newspapers. It is one of the most amazing musicals ever. Almost the entire cast is comprised of boys who can sing AND dance. The only problem is deciding what song is my favorite! Also, it stars Christian Bale. I love him. And I love this movie so much that after watching it a few weeks ago, Sara and I spent about 30 minutes imdb'ing the stars.

Number 3: WALL-E

This is just the best animated movie ever. WALL-E the robot is the most adorable character ever. The love story between him and EVE is just so sweet. I know they are animated and everything, but it is sooooo adorable. I also love it when they go up to the spaceship and all the people are just crazy. This movie just makes me smile!

Number 4: Superman II

Ok. I have already professed my love for this movie in day 1, so I won't make you read about it again. Suffice to say that Christopher Reeve is amazing and the best Clark Kent out of any actors that play the role.

Number 5: Funny Face

Funny Face is seriously one of the greatest movies. Audrey Hepburn AND Fred Astaire? It just doesn't get any better than that. They sing. They dance. They fall in love. They have a fashionista montage all over Paris. Everything a great movie should have!

1 comment:

Lynn said...

"You just gonnna hop out, sir?"
"No, he's not hopping. Sir, no hopping!"

Excellent choices in movies. Well, at least, the first two are. I'm sad to say that I've never seen [all of] WALL-E or Superman II [if I have, it's been a loooong time and I don't remember any of it], and I can't believe it, but I've STILL never seen Funny Face, but I desperately want to! I think my memama has it, so if she does, I'll watch it this week.

I may nix my other 30 day challenge and try this one instead, since everyone else is!