Friday, March 28, 2008

One Month, One Week, and a Few Days!

Spring break is slowly ending, and I just don't think it was long enough. We should definitely get TWO weeks off, that would be way better. The only thing keeping me going, however, is that once we get back to school, I will have just a little over a month until i graduate! Yes, that's right- someone is actually getting out of Darton in only TWO YEARS! YAY!

Needless to say (but I will say it anyways), I am very excited about graduating. I am so close, I can already feel the weight lifting off my shoulders, only to slam back down when the realization that I still have a lot of work to do before that day. This coming up week alone, I have our rough draft due and two tests that I am not yet prepared to take.

But back to spring break. I think it has worn me out, as opposed to rejuvenating me. All I want to do is go to sleep, but no, I have too much homework to do before I can. This blog, work on my paper, English writing, find an essay. Keep looking at colleges, make a decision, find the CRN #'s of the two classes I'm taking over the summer, pay my GAP bill....the list just goes on and on for days. You'd think I would have accomplished SOMETHING over this break.

It's not as bad as I make it out to be. I actually did do homework before today. In fact, I read Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night" yesterday afternoon- not an easy feat. And not my choice to do so, but I had put it off accidentally by forgetting my Brit Lit book when we went out of town on Sunday. Since we didn't get back until Wednesday, the reading fell to Thursday. Now everything else has fallen to today, tomorrow, and Sunday. I decided that reading seventy plus pages of Shakespeare was enough for one day.

I also did some more "research," if you will, on my poker-paper. I went to play last night, and it was probably the most fun I'd had during the break. I have a great idea to buy a green visor and get my name put on it so I can be a 'serious-looking' player.

Thinking about it, I guess I did get SOME things done. Not nearly enough, but some. Hopefully I can accomplish some more things before I collapse from the exhaustion that is spring break.

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