Sunday, April 27, 2008


i shouldn't be upset over such a trivial thing, but i really am. it's one thing to get your hair cut, but it's another to just completely steal your best friend's thunder. i was so excited about getting my hair cut and showing everyone, because I'd never done it before. and then she has to go and do the same thing, two days later. close enough to where no one notices mine and everyone notices hers. and i understand that hers is dramatic too, because her hair was so dad gum long, but my is a huge change from anything it has ever been and no one cared. i'm tired of it. she always has cute clothes, shoes, purses, everything. i don't like taking the backseat. i have always been the one with all of that but now everyone is always raving about her. and it upsets me. i just wanted to be it for a few minutes. the one everyone looks at. the one getting the compliments. but no one seemed to notice the amounts of hair that came off my head. sigh.

i also found out that my accounting final is going to be Friday, not Tuesday like i previously thought. stupid accounting. i literally HATE this class. i don't think i've ever hated a class this much. it makes me want to beat my head against the wall. but i guess the bright side is that i don't have as long to wait for it.....just not as long to study for it. which i can't concentrate on right now, because i also have a ton of other things to do: make sure i know my stuff for my presentation tomorrow, finish writing an eight page paper, take a step aerobics final, find the time to write a two page paper for accounting, study for a history final, do my english final sometime between friday and tuesday.......and finish these blogs before monday (i think). i'm not sure when that is actually. so now i have tuesday and wednesday to do this paper and study for an accounting final that is going to span 11 chapters. so yeah. i am not looking forward to this. but i think i am going to drop all of my summer classes so i can actually rest. and not waste anymore hope hours.

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