Sunday, April 20, 2008

Paper Stresses

I have been stressing all day over this upcoming paper. It is so much easier, in my opinion, to have a topic given to me, rather than come up with one myself. So, after we were given the assignment, I began to obsess about a topic. I wanted to have to paper done by tonight so I could email it for comments. It hasn't worked well for me.

I have started exactly five different papers, all on different subjects. The first one was actually a really deep, very personal essay, mainly about decisions that have to made by myself and others. It also dealt with things about college that I consider myths, and my truths about them.

The next one was about my job. Basically, it is about how much I love it. I talk about how I got the job, why I took it, and how it has changed my life and my future.

The third one was about this horribly embarrassing moment I had a couple years ago, on a date with Caleb. Not the greatest topic, but I thought it might be funny. It wasn't to me at the time, of course, but, it's still not funny to me. He, on the other hand, thought it was hilarious. I was mortified beyond belief. And I ruined a perfectly good shirt in the process.

The next one was about myself and my schoolwork. It centers around my accounting class, and how badly I want to have an 'A'. How much difficulty I am having accomplishing that (if anyone is awesome at accounting, let me know ASAP).

I finally settled on my fifth and final topic, which I won't reveal because we are probably going to have to read each other's later and I don't want to spoil it. I find it to be a very interesting story, and I hope other people think so. It covers a major span of the past two years, but I'm glad that the experience is finally over. AND I'm glad that I actually found something to write about.

I've been writing on this paper ALL day. Well, not all day. I didn't actually start on it until after five. I was having terrible writer's block. As of right now, a little before ten, I have almost 1500 words. Maybe a little too long, but it's almost done. I'm so close to the end, I can taste it! I probably won't finish it tonight, because I would like to sleep considering we have an 8AM class tomorrow, but at least I am very close. And that is a huge relief to me. Now I can relax a little bit, and it's a wonderful thing.

Now the only thing I have to stress about is my accounting class.


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