Friday, April 4, 2008

Sleep is Coming

It's only a little after nine and I'm already planning on going to sleep soon. I'm not sure why I'm so tired, but there it is.

I didn't go to sleep until about one thirty on Wednesday night. Last night, I went for my weekly poker game. I planned on staying until around 10 so I'd get home at about 10:30 and could study for my history test until 11:30. That plan didn't work out too well. My friend, Sara, was one of the final two people left in the game, and it was only her second week of playing. I stayed as long as I could to see if she would win. I ended up leaving at 10:40, and found out this morning that she eventually lost the game around 11. When I got home, I still had to study, so I ended up going to sleep after midnight, again. Then I had to get up early, study some more for my test, and then go to work.

So here I sit, exhausted and practically falling asleep on my couch. I know, though, when I do get into bed, I will stay awake for much longer than I want to. I began to wonder earlier today if I have a sleeping disorder. I read an article about this guy that has a type of disorder where, even when his body is tired, his mind won't stop for him to sleep. I DO THAT ALL THE TIME! Maybe I'm just being a hypochondriac, which is nothing new, but it's possible! We'll see later tonight- although I might be so exhausted by that time that my mind just shuts off completely. Lucky for me, I don't have to work tomorrow and it is supposed to rain....perfect sleep conditions! Cause after I actually get to sleep, I stay asleep!

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