Sunday, December 5, 2010

30 Day Challenge: Day 11

Day 11: Your Favorite TV Shows

I LOVE tv. Sara and I just got dvr, and we frequently have it about 80% full because there are so many shows we want to watch and so little time to watch them. In order to not make this post super long, I am going to pick my top 5 tv shows that are currently on- because if I add in ones that are no longer on the air, we will be here all night!

*Note: at any given time, the order of these change.

#1 Bones
- I just love this show. It is one that I have only been watching for about a year, but I have seen basically every episode. I bought the first three seasons over the summer, and watch it every week (or whenever we get around to it). I love that the show is centered around smart people! I want to be friends with those characters. They are just hilarious. I am a big fan of forensics, too. And I love Seely Booth.

- I want Jethro Gibbs to be my bodyguard. He is awesome. I basically love everything about this show. The characters, the plot lines, the funny one liners, Gibbs' "rules," the shooting, the technology- everything. I especially like that it is a spin-off of JAG, so in the early seasons they tend to overlap. This is also one of the shows that my entire family watches, so we always watch it together and talk about it.

#3 Big Bang Theory
- This show rocks. I don't know if there is a show in the history of the world that is as funny as BBT. I actually started watching this show somewhere in the first season. I just love these characters. They are nerdy, superhero loving guys and they just make me laugh. I would totally be friends with them and order Chinese food and watch Star Trek.

#4 How I Met Your Mother
- I started watching HIMYM this year- reruns on lifetime! I loved it so much, I started watching the current season without actually watching every single episode. It is just hilarious. I love the fact that Neil Patrick Harris stars in it, because I loved him in Doogie Howser back in the day. Sara and I have adopted many of the funny things they say into our every day lives. Suit up!

#5 Grey's Anatomy
- I didn't want to like Grey's. I really didn't, because it was such a popular show and I don't like to jump on board with things. I remember the very first episode I watched part of was the one where Burke leaves Cristina at the altar. Still, I wasn't really interested in it until my first year in Athens. My then-roommate loved it, so I watched it with her a few times. I got hooked! I borrowed the first few seasons from friends and watch it basically every day on lifetime. It is one of the first shows I watch every week!

So, there you have it! A big insight into my life, right?


Ansley said...


Lynn said...

somehow I've never watched Bones or NCIS, but I keep meaning to catch up. They're on Netflix [I think.. I know Bones is because my brother watched it] so maybe over Christmas break, I'll catch up. LOVE BBT and Grey's, and HIMYM is hilarious, though I haven't seen most of the episodes. I'm so excited about writing this day and the movie day [tomorrow! whoo!]

April Nicole Keefe said...

I have the first 3 seasons of Bones if you want to borrow them!