Monday, December 13, 2010

30 Day Challenge: Day 15

Day 15: A Bible Verse

I have already written a blog post about my favorite Bible verse. I wrote it over two years ago, before I moved to Athens. You can read it here!

I don't want to repeat myself, so I am not going to write a whole new post about the same exact verse. I will tell you that I am still having trouble with worrying- I always seem to be worrying about something. Like right now I am worrying about finishing my last paper of the semester. I am worried about what to do next year and that I will make the wrong decisions. I am worried about so many things!

So, obviously, I have not been able to give God control of my worry since I wrote that almost three years ago. I think I am doing better. My life has changed drastically, which has taken away some of my worries but also given me new ones. I am constantly repeating "do not worry about today" and I know one day it will really click and I won't be the worrier that I am today and was yesterday.

One of the greatest things I have done to help relieve my worry is to lean on my Godly friends and let them share my burdens. I am very much a keep-to-myself person when it comes to my true fears, dreams, and worries. Thankfully, the Lord has blessed me with friends who are wise beyond their years and who put their hopes and dreams in His hands.

To all of you dear friends who are reading this, just know that I love you. You mean so much to me, and I know that you will help keep me accountable.

Giving my worries over to God......the daily battle to self. The daily fight against evils. My ultimate goal in my relationship with Him.


Ruth Anne Crews said...

I needed this. Finals are stressing me out! Thanks for the reminder that God's got it!

Marie Keefe said...

We Keefe girl must have a thing with worry.

I have Phil 4:6-9 taped to my wall next to my desk. It's a very good reminder of what to think of instead of worrying.