Wednesday, December 1, 2010

30 Day Challenge: Day 9

Day 9: A Picture of Your Friends

I love my friends. They are some of the greatest people ever, and I would be so lonely without them! I have a group of people who mean a lot to me, but I can't write about all of them because this post would be so long, none of you would read it! I have decided to write about 8 people: 4 girl and 4 boys.

The Ladies


Sara is my bff and roomie, all wrapped up in one bubbly brunette package. She and I have been friends since I was in 10th grade. We had the same p.e. class and just clicked. The very first time we ever hung out was spring break of that year- I went over to her house, we laid out by the pool, got licked in the face by her dog Dixie, and then went to the baseball game where we ate big pickles. We bonded during our choir tour to Savannah that summer, and basically have been inseparable ever since. Now, as I said, we live together in our awesome apartment. She is going to graduate in May, though, and leave me all by my lonesome. We currently talk pretty much every single day, which is not weird for roommates, but could be considered weird by some since we also talk every day when we aren't in Athens! Sara probably know me better than anyone else, so if you ever want to know anything about me, ask her!


Abbey is my other bff. She and I have known each other for years. We danced together when we were five or six. I distinctly remember she let me borrow a ponytail holder when I forgot one. We went to different schools, so after dance class we didn't have any contact. That changed when she transferred to my school in 8th grade. I don't honestly remember when we really became friends, it just happened. We, along with our friend Anna, became the three A's. Even though we hung out with completely different people during high school, we still made time for each other! She and I have gotten even closer since we graduated, even though we have lived in different cities for the past couple years. She and her parents are like my second family!


My Ivy is our world-changer. She is one who "the uttermost parts of the earth" are waiting for to show them Jesus. But right now her place to be is on her campus, right where she is! I am 100% positive I do not speak just for myself when I say that Ivy is my inspiration. She is a beautiful, selfless, Jesus-loving, homeless-feeding, mission-tripping young woman. Her heart and her smile are huge. She loves TOMS, which is something we totally have in common. Ivy is the girl I can call/text at any time, just to say "pray for me," and her response is always "of course" or "anytime" and that she loves me.


Katie is my cousin. My very distant cousin, but a cousin nonetheless. I just love her. She is a year younger than I am, and lives far away from me. Because of this, we were never very close as kids. My family only saw her family once every two years, so we would hang out for a day and then not see each other for a very long time. Thankfully, this changed when I moved to UGA. She was already here, so it was cousin time! Yay! This summer, I got the awesome opportunity to do an internship in Atlanta, so Katie and I got to share her bedroom for about a month. It was so much fun living with her family! And we are related, which means she will always be around :)

The Guys


Josh, aka Joshie, is my best guy friend. I just love him. I have known him for a long time, but we didn't become friends until around 2008, when I started going to poker night. He tells me all about his girls, and I tell him all about things that make me angry. Josh is also one of the craziest people ever. As you can see, he does things like jumping over fires. He also climbs tall trees and jumps off of them into water. And he probably does a lot of things that he doesn't tell me about, because I yell at him about safety.


Daniel is my newest friend on this blog. He is also the reason why I was able to make the pictures be left-right-left-right! I am an excellent html student, right, Daniel? Right. Anyway. Daniel and I have only been friends since the spring, but we get along famously. He is a musical guy, and you should know that I am a musical girl, so we have a lot in common. He tries to teach me computer stuff. I try to teach him about girls and how I can be cute, but not "steal your boyfriend" cute. Our conversations are quite amusing.


Sara and I met Sam at the beginning of last (school) year. I am pretty sure it was at game night. We became instant bffs until I made the mistake of telling him I'd never read Harry Potter. He wasn't happy about that. But we overcame that obstacle, and are super awesome friends. Sam is one of the funniest people to me. He always makes me laugh. He loves loves loves Harry Potter and wants to marry either Emma Watson or Sara Bareilles (not that she has anything to do with Harry Potter, I was just throwing it in there). He was one of the only people who came to both of my graduations, and I love him for that!

This picture of him was taken at my graduation photo shoot last spring. It was super fun!


Disclaimer: Jake does not read my blog (that I know of), but he got upset when I called another boy my best guy friend, so I figured I should put him on here so he doesn't get offended :)

Jake was one of my first guy friends in Athens. I met him through Lynn when they (plus Rob) came to pick me up for a party. After that, I got invited to game night at his apartment. Jake and I have become really good friends over the past couple years. He says we are the mom and dad of our little group- we are always the ones who are feeding everyone and telling people like Wil not to pick on people smaller than him.

Ok. That is all I am doing today! I think tomorrow I will do a day 9, take 2 so I can add more people that are not on this post. I don't want to leave out people that I love! So look for another post about this.

To the people who are in this one, I love you all!

Thanks for reading :)

1 comment:

Ansley said...

lol I laughed all through this, especially Jake's disclaimer. haha