Thursday, December 2, 2010

30 Day Challenge: Day 9, Part 2

Day 9, Part 2: A Picture of Your Friends

Like I said in the last post, I couldn't fit everyone I love in the first post, I am doing a follow up!

Katie Mc.

Katie and I have been friends since my first year in Athens. We were in the same class for SAO, and got to know each other through that. We have become much much closer over the year and a half or so. She is Sara's SAO big sis, so she is a part of the family now! I feel like I am in constant communication with her, either via text, twitter, phone calls, or Sara. If she is not at our apartment or doing something else with us, she is super busy so don't bother her (haha)! Katie also loves little kids and gets to work with them on campus.


John is my bestie. I sort of met him one night at Jake's, but we didn't speak- we just competed against each other in Nerts. About a month later was Island Party, and that week was when we began the road to bestie-ship. It was at iHop after the date auction/dance party. Our bestie-ship was cemented at the end of the semester when Sara, Sam, and I helped John move all his stuff home for the summer. Then he and I stayed up late almost every night discussing the O.C., one of his favorite shows that I was watching for the first time. We haven't had a bestie day in a long time, but we have an awesome plan to order Chinese food and watch the O.C. alllll day when we have time.


Lynn was basically my first friend in Athens. I met her the second week of school at the SAO info night. She was a sister, and they were supposed to be mingling and talking to all of the new girls. We started talking and realized at one point we lived in the same town! Super cool, especially since my hometown is tiny and most people up here haven't heard of it. She introduced me to all her friends- a lot of which are now my friends! I do not know what I would have done that first year without Lynn. This picture of her is from her birthday last month, where we threw her a surprise party- yay for parties!


Austin is one of my favorite people. He is one of those friends that you are so thankful for, because you know at any point you can grow apart and not speak for years. I met Austin in West Palm Beach at church camp the summer after my sophomore year of high school. He and I were put in the same group (games and rec!). There was only one other girl in the group, and she and I weren't really similar in any way, so I just decided to hang out with the few guys I knew. This led to me hanging out with Austin the whole week. We really clicked and became fast friends. He lives in South Carolina, so we went years without seeing each other- just surviving on phone calls, text messages, and eventually, facebook. Thankfully, that has changed. We have already seen each other three times this year! He even drove to Athens for my graduation. Also, he used to sing to me over the phone. I loved that.


My dear little lamb. I love her to pieces. I first met Kaitlyn many years ago. Her older sister, Whitney, and I were really good friends in high school. The group of people I hung out with were constantly at their house. As we got older, Kaitlyn and I also became good friends. I don't know what I would do without her smiling face! This one, she is another world changer. She has a heart for missions and God's people all over the world. I absolutely adore her bubbly personality and she always always brightens my day!


Oh, Matt. He is crazy! Matt is another one of the people I have been friends with basically the whole time I have been in Athens. He is my tech support, but first he is my friend! He is always there for me, whenever I need to blow off steam or just talk about what I am going through in my life. I hope he knows he can do the same! He also came to my rescue when my sister left Athens with my car keys. He came to pick me up and took me to get food! Yes, he also made fun of me, but I am being nice and not holding it against him.


She may hate for that picture, but I think it is adorable! I just love Marissa. A whole bunch. I can't really remember when she and I actually became friends, but I am so happy we did! She is one of the cutest people ever. Marissa is also from the deep south, and we bonded over that. She came to visit Sara and I over the summer with Josh, and it was so fun to see her! Currently, our friendship consists of us working on our showcase together and me randomly showing up at her door to tell her hi! Also, she is dating Owen, and I love him. They are so cute!


One of my favorite things that Wil has ever said was when he and Sara met for the first time. I introduced them and mentioned that Sara has no "h" and Wil only has one "l." He said "Wil. It's a noun, not a verb!" Ha, loved it. And I love him. He is hilarious and constantly is doing ridiculous things to make everyone laugh. He is basically the epitome of the class clown. You'll notice he is the only one with someone else in the picture. Wil went to Kenya this summer, and I thought it would be appropriate to give him this picture. Another interesting thing is that Wil and I have been friends for almost two years, but for the longest time we did NOT have each other's phone numbers. It made it difficult when we had awesome things to tell each other.

Sara C.

Sara and I became friends by clinging to each other for life in an awful telecomm class. In March, we will celebrate our two year friend-iversary! Yay! We love each other a lot. We used to have classes together and see each other all the time, but sadly we no longer have the same schedule. But we did have an awesome time carving pumpkins/baking pumpkin shaped cookies a few weeks ago. She and I share a love for NCIS.

And now it is almost 2:30 AM. Wow. It is almost past my bedtime.


Matt said...

"Hey look at that car! It's like yours! Except it has keys!!!" :)

Lynn said...

You forgot to mention that I saved your life by sending you "Don't Stop Believing".. but I won't hold it against you ;]

p.s.- my favorite part of my picture is Ben's foot.