Tuesday, December 14, 2010

30 Day Challenge: Day 16

Day 16: Your Dream House

This is O'Keeffe castle in Ireland. Dream home, right there. Isn't it beautiful? The ivy covered walls, the tower, the stone? I love it. And if I can't live there, I want to get married there.

Realistically, I know I will probably never live in Ireland in this amazing castle. That is ok, though. I can have a beautiful home here in good ol' America!

There are a lot of things I want in my future home- some a little outrageous, some not so much. As with everything, I will now proceed to give you a list of things I want in my dream house!

1) Wood burning fireplace. This is a must-have. I get waaaay too cold to live without a fireplace in the winter!

2) Shelves I can reach. This one won't be that important if I have a tall husband, but if not, I'm going to need to be able to reach the top shelves!

3) A massive closet. I have always wanted one, and now that I have one in my apartment, I don't think I can ever go back to the tiny one I had at home. It needs to be a little bigger than the one I have now, with more lighting.

4) A wrap-around porch. You know the houses in downtown Madison? I basically want the outside of the house to look like those, and they all have beautiful wrap-around porches.

5) A huge kitchen. I love to cook, and I want an awesome kitchen in my home. A big refrigerator, a nice stove, the works. And a big island in the middle with lots of storage space.

These aren't too much to ask for, right? Yeah, I didn't think so!

I'd take something like this too.....


Lynn said...

oh that house is GORGEOUS! the castle is nice too haha I dread this day's topic because I have no idea what I want in a house. I can hardly decorate my room.. let alone an entire house!

April Nicole Keefe said...

haha i like so many different houses, it was hard! but nothing beats the castle. i found that in high school and have been in love ever since!